Spread love every day

Moving to the other State absolutely threw me off my regular routine. I have so many photos to share (as my camera doesn't leave my side for the whole day usually) and don't have time for blogging at all.

We are settled down finally in our small town Pocatello, unpacked and starting to decorate the house. This is the hardest part, because I have so many printed photos, pictures, cards, plates and I still can't figure out what goes where. I'm looking for ideas online and found something I like, but still can't really start hanging them.

So finally I had like five minutes to share something with you. And of course as it's Valentine's day tomorrow I would like to share with you a bit of love. Well, probably lots of love! My hubby and I don't usually celebrate this day in any special way. This year is a bit different though, because Maya is into all holidays now. She insisted on decorating some paper hearts for daddy and me. And I guess we will have to do something tomorrow.

This year we are spreading love a little bit more than usual, we are adopting a puppy. Crazy, huh? I have no idea how I'm going to manage kids, Frida and a puppy all by myself during the days, but I guess I'll have to figure it out. Desperately looking for a nice preschool for couple of days a week. You will see lots of photos of the new addition soon, but for now I'd like to share some of my favorite photos representing love.

It is not a secret that very often after the photo session the clients and photographers have different favorite shots. Actually they are pretty much always the opposite LOL. I guess the reason is that clients usually focus on their appearance and photographer on emotions that the photo evokes. This is absolutely my case. I adore smiles, laugh, kisses and love shining though the photo, this is what I'm trying to capture and this is what truly inspires me (and I don't mind the double chins and wrinkles around the eyes). 

So here are some of my favorite shots that represent all that good stuff. They are from different occasions, different sessions, probably seem totally random to you, but they all speak love to me. And this is what matters the most, right?

Happy Valentine's day, friends! Let's spread some love. Even better - let's spread tons of love!!